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Magical Moments

I am slowly emerging from 3 days with magical women, in a magical land on a magical 'Unbound Writing Wilding Retreat' here at Spirals of Wellbeing.

I'd like to share with you a few snippets of what occurred for me and a piece from Nicola Humber, (The Unbound Writing Mastermind) who co-facilitated the retreat with me, on her reflections.

Our energies, together with our beautiful soul sister Sonraya, flowed in perfect harmony, easefully, delightfully, powerfully and SO full of potency.

Our collective experiences were so wonderful in fact, we have decided to hold the retreat again next year over Summer Solstice, I can feel the cauldron bubbling in excitement and anticipation already!

What was the magic I felt?

I travelled to past lives through the eyes of unbound sisters

I rode on the back of Dragon as I danced through pain and found golden starlight in the cosmos

I sat in ‘not knowing’ with joy and curiosity

I sensed ancestor crone sitting with me in Circle, smiling and laughing her big belly laugh

I drummed and toned and spoke ancient sounds, weaving healing into our bones

I walked in blissful union with the land, hearing quiet messages from bird song

I talked and talked and fell silent

I cried tears of release as I travelled into profound transformational portals

The land, the water, the sky, the trees, the grass, the sun and the moon held me and my sisters while we cast our potent, powerful Wild Wise Woman spells into our books and out into the world, the Earth, the Cosmos.

Our time together – which bent and curved, swayed and stopped, slowed and sped by has changed me, opened me, healed me, in ways I thought I had been with a thousand times already and were done!

Here are Nicola's reflections.

Where do I begin?

I'm back from the Unbound Writing Wilding retreat and I am a changed woman.

I always underestimate the potency of a retreat container.

I forget.

Until I remember.

And there were so many layers of medicine in this experience.

I could tell you about the rupture that happened in my business just before I went on retreat and how I had to sit in the discomfort of not knowing whilst I was away.

I could tell you about the land that held me, and my retreat sisters, so beautifully and patiently, letting me know, over and over again, all is well, just BE.

I could tell you about the soul connections and tears and laughter and whoops of joy and howls of deep magic.

I could tell you about walking barefoot, soul to earth, showering outside under the willow trees and playing in the stream, as little Nicola used to do.

I could tell you about the blank page that became an unstoppable flow of clarity and creativity.

I could tell you about the reconnection with my wild and free and true nature.

I could tell you about the seemingly miraculous shift that happened as I journeyed home on Thursday.

There is much I could tell.

And I'm sure I will.

But for now...

...I let the layers percolate and integrate.

Always, unbinding.

Nicola x

Take a look at what Nicola offers through her 'The Unbound Writing Mastermind', a truly transformational container for women writing truly transformational books.

The cauldron still bubbles, it will never stop.

Our magic is being called in, are you ready to come on board for the ongoing adventure?

Do get in touch with me if you would like to explore coming on retreat here at Spirals, either as an individual or as part of my new small group retreats coming next Spring.

With so much love

Brier x

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