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Embracing change with natures rhythms

Writer's picture: Angie BrierheartAngie Brierheart

Well, here we are in magnificent Autumn, and hasn't it been wonder full! The colours, the light, the sun, blue skies, the warmth, and even a little frost on a few mornings. I have found it beautifully healing, energising and rejuvenating. So much so, that a BIG decision has been made about how we move forward.

I am delighted and excited to let you know, we are staying! We took Spirals off the market this morning and it feels GREAT.

We have been edging towards this decision for several weeks for several reasons.

A house we had fallen in love with, local to here, had suddenly come back on the market. With our 2 offers on the table, we were able to make an offer, which was accepted. Only to then discover that the 2 offers on Spirals had fallen through. But after the initial disappointment, it felt okay, more than okay.

We continued to look for another house but nothing was calling to us. And then, a house we had actually looked at 12 years ago when we were first moving here, appeared on the market.

Yesterday we went and had a look, although we loved the house, the land was not viable, so it was another 'no go' and it completed for us the process we have been journeying through over the past 4 months.

What a process it has been.

We were considering village life, edge of village life, town life, life in a new county, life back in England. We looked at 10 very different houses, in different settings, and different locations.

After each viewing we were brought back to what we have here, the beauty and everything we have worked so hard at creating; but continued to need to look on and out.

The more we looked out, the more we were being called back.

We had so many people interested in purchasing Spirals, most were not yet in a position to make an offer, other than the 2 I mentioned. Every time people came, they fell in love with Spirals and were so complimentary about what we have created and how they too felt the magic and healing energy, increasingly we were left feeling a little confused about why we were selling and what we would be letting go of.

Until, eventually we realised that , 'yes' we needed to make changes, but we did not need to move to do so.

Over the past 3 years we had closed ourselves in, become isolated. We were not managing our time well, our wellbeing always coming last on a list of things to be done. Becoming overwhelmed through a lack of self care, we slowly began to lose sight of why we had come here.

Thankfully, this process of putting Spirals on the market and looking out has created spaciousness for us to see more clearly, to shift our perspective, to learn from the lessons of the past 12 years by looking inward.

Now we have placed ourselves on the eagles perch, we have simply resolved to bring focus to our wellbeing, to have more fun, to be in joy, to let go of worries or concerns - especially those things that do not exist, and giving our energy to those things we wish to manifest.

The process (which in all honesty is still unravelling at some level) has nudged me back into my daily practices with a deeper connection to them. I am eating better - cutting out those things I KNOW do me no good - and I can see and feel the difference in my physical and spiritual bodies.

A big piece that came in for me during this process has been looking at how satisfaction/dissatisfaction plays out in me. I am allowing myself to be with the discomfort/shame/guilt of feeling dissatisfied, exploring if indeed, that's what it really is.

I am so very grateful for where I am in my life - geographically, physically, emotionally, spiritually; I have never lost sight of the abundance in which I live, never lost touch with the beauty that surrounds me.

So why has there been such a strong urge to move on, to have change?

What has been missing?

The answers are quite simple

Time out

Time with friends

Time away from responsibilities

These are things we are now making space for.

Making time to be with our oldest, dearest friends (friends we have known since our twenties) has been powerful medicine, there is potent his/herstory in each one. I find it grounding, easeful, nourishing, and full of LOVE to be with them. And creating spaciousness to be with newer friends here more often feels present too.

As Autumn rolls on and Winter approaches, I know how important it will be to keep hold of the positive changes I have spoken of - the wellbeing practices, seeing friends, being creative, dancing, singing, laughing. I know how quickly the grey, wet and cold can take hold in place of them.

I wonder and would love to know how the changing of the seasons impacts on you? What practices you lean toward, what you let go of, what you invite in?

This morning it is grey, wet and cold - sunshine and warmer air is arriving a little later on today. So, for me, when I fold my laptop up in a moment or two, I will sing some mantra's by the heater, make a cup of peppermint tea and read some stories to my daughter, enjoying what I am choosing to do in each moment.

Wishing you a beauty filled day and with so much love


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Oct 25, 2024

So interesting to read about your experiences with this inner and outer journey. I'm happy you're staying: it feels like you all belong there.

Oct 25, 2024
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Thank you, yes, I love you have used the word 'belong', it does feel we belong here.


Oct 25, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

So happy for your decision to stay on paradise Spirals 🤍

Oct 25, 2024
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Thank you, paradise it is!



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