How would it feel to gift a magical woman in your life something different this Christmas? Something that says
'I see you'
'I honour you'
'I love you'
Pretty wonder full I would guess, not only for you but for the woman you give this special gift!
So, what is the 'perfect', 'special' gift I am talking about?
It is a Womb Moon Healing Session, a beautiful healing practice I have used for myself and many other woman over many years. The session is available Online and In Person, so you don't need to live in West Wales!
What is a Womb Moon Healing Session?
A Womb Moon Healing Session is a gentle, yet potent and powerful practice I have created from diving deep into my own womb wounding, exploring, and creating alchemical practices to re-claim my womb wisdom and develop a loving and creative relationship with being cyclical, returning me to the true nature of who I am.
A little about me.
I am now Crone, I have journeyed through becoming a mother, through my disintegration as I entered my Enchantress years to celebrating the changes The Menopause gifted me as I walked toward becoming Crone.
I am also a Warrior Woman, I believe in our innate right as women to stand in our Truth, our Sovereignty, our potency, and our power as cyclical and Divine beings.
I have written 2 books.
In my first book ‘Take off Your Armour and Have a Cup of Tea’ I share my journey into motherhood and the beginnings of my disintegration.
In my 2nd book ‘Menopause Wisdoms – Women’s Stories of Becoming Crone’ I share my and 12 other women’s stories of our Menopause journey toward becoming Crone.
What does your womb centre gift you?
When you are in right relationship with your womb wisdom, you are aligned to both your 3rd dimensional existence and your Divinity.
Your womb centre, whether you have a physical womb or not, is your centre of creativity.
Your womb centre, whether you still menstruate or not, is your source of pleasure and desire.
Your womb centre, whatever phase of life you are in, is your deep connection to your cyclical nature.
Your womb is innately connected to the flow of the moon’s cycles, in which you are supported and guided to make choices aligned to your cyclical nature and your Divinity.
Why we lose connection to our cyclical nature.
In our day to day, busy, often challenging, demanding lives, we can easily forget and disconnect to our womb moon wisdom. We may forget when to rest, when to play, when to set boundaries, when to dream, when to ask for help – inevitably leading to overwhelm and feelings of isolation.
My invitation to the woman you love.
I have developed my Womb Moon Healing Sessions from over 2 decades of deep diving into my inner landscape, finding sisterhood within women’s Circles, learning new skills in holistic healing in order to re-claim the true nature of who I am and support other women in her unique journey.
I would love to share my practices and healing with you, facilitating your own way back to the true nature of who you are – a wild, wise, cyclical being.
What will Womb Moon Healing sessions offer?
A Womb Moon Healing Session offers a gentle, yet potent and powerful transformational experience through invitation and activation, to develop a loving relationship with your womb centre, creating spaciousness for
· Releasing wounding
· Dreaming and visioning for abundant manifestation
· Joy and pleasure in your cyclical nature
· Knowing when to rest and when to play
· Knowing how and when to set boundaries
· Laying foundations for welcoming and celebrating your changes as you move through your life cycles
· Gratitude for all that your womb wisdom gifts you
Womb Moon Healing is offered to you as a 1:1 session or sessions. Online or In Person.
In each session you will
· be held within a loving and sacred space
· be Soulfully facilitated to explore your inner landscape
· receive a guided womb meditation
· receive a Moon Mother Womb healing
· have time to journal and explore what arises for you
A session is 1 hour long
The cost per session is £60
Please book your session here Contact | Spirals of Wellbeing
I look forward to hearing from you, please do get in touch with any questions or for an exploratory chat
With so much love
Angie Brierheart
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