Hello dear friend, how are you doing? Are you winding down or speedy up?
This time of year can pull us in both directions can't it and I don't know about you, I often allow myself to be pulled in the direction that is actually opposite to what I truly need!
The desire to socialise and be with friends over rides my mind, body and Soul calling me to slow and stop.
This year, just yesterday, I made a decision to cancel all social commitments over December!
I am recovering from yet another virus and I know on every level I need to rest.
It felt an important step in really honouring my inner wisdom.
I am sitting here writing this mid morning, still in my onesie, about to make a cup of tea and sit and watch the Blackbirds feast on the fallen apples. Nourishment for my Soul.
I have a pan of chicken stew on the stove, to be blended later into a wholesome soup. Nourishment for my body.
Sharing these few words with you, completing this years conversations. Nourishment for my mind.
So, I wish you what it is you need, what you desire as you move toward the completion of another cycle.
I am deeply grateful for you taking time to read my Blogs and sharing with me how they land.
I am deeply grateful for you coming to Spirals and sharing with me the magic of this land.
I am deeply grateful for you showing up for my monthly Wilding Woman Circles, dancing together, sharing what is present, resting and dreaming together.
I am deeply grateful for you trusting in what I offer.
Until next year, With so much love